No-one employed at St Thomas More's Catholic Primary school receives a salary in excess of £100k.
The governing body is made up of twelve members who are either elected or appointed to represent the views of the community. Governors meet regularly to help the school fulfill its Mission. We do this by getting to know the school, reviewing policies, regulating admissions, planning building work, reading reports and statistics to make sure the school is meeting the needs of all children, and monitoring the finance to ensure we have the best value for money possible.
We are always pleased to listen to parents’ views and concerns throughout the year.
Our Governing Body consists of 12 members and operates with FGB & 3 committees.
The Governing Body is responsible for the school St Thomas More's Building Fund.
Full Governing Body – committee responsibilities / agenda items
Declaration of interests must be an agenda item for ALL FGB and committee meetings
Review policies in accordance with GB’s agreed policy review cycle which meets the requirements of the DfE Guidance
Monitor and evaluate progress against school improvement plan
Review feedback from governor visits
Discuss impact of governor training attended
Forward plan to fill vacancies and officer posts with people that have the right skills and experience
Autumn term (Sept – Dec)
- Election of chair, vice-chair
- Update register of interests
- Ensure governor details (including attendance) updated on website
- Agree structure, membership & terms of reference for all committees and panels
- Agree delegated powers
- Confirm meeting dates & times for the year
- Appoint key governor roles (e.g. DTG, Forum Rep, Governor to act if there is allegation against the HT, Safeguarding, SEND...)
- Review individual governor responsibilities / allocate governor links with class / subject / key issues from school improvement plan
- Agree GB Code of Conduct
- Adopt HCC Governors Good Practice Guide
- Approve/Review School Improvement Plan
- Arrange external advisor for HT performance review
- Review admissions policy (Foundation and VA schools)
- Discuss Published Admissions Number (PAN) arrangements
- Receive and approve plan for off-site visits
- Confirm adoption of Manual of Personnel Practice
- Confirm adoption of Manual of Finance Practice and Procedure
- Approve revised budget by 30 November
- Agree topic for WGB training
- Agree GB development plan
- Identify GB monitoring opportunities and governor visit plan (linked to School Improvement Plan)
- Review Pay Policy and Performance Management Policy
- Complete safeguarding audit by 30 September
- Agree SEN information report
Spring term (Jan – Easter)
- Discuss and agree priorities for next financial year based on school improvement priorities
- Receive report on issues arising from strategic financial planning
- Agree budget for staff training & development
- Discuss predicted pupil numbers & budget implications
- Evaluate resource and budget control of SEN provision
- Agree decision regarding subscription to Governor Services
- Agree decision about LA clerking service & agree contracted hours
- Consider ‘Analyse School Performance’ (ASP) data / FFT data (if not carried out last term)
- Review Inspection Dashboard & School Comparison Tool
- Ensure Whole Governing Body training is booked by 31 January
- Discuss LLP annual report (due between October and April)
- Agree updated equalities information and progress against equality objectives for publishing (and every 4 years agree new objectives)
- Consider pupil premium, PE sport premium, catch up premium spending and SEN funding and the impact of this additional funding
- Complete & approve Schools Financial Value Statement (SFVS) return for LA by 31 March
- Review progress against GB development plan
Summer term (Easter - July)
- Approve budget plan by 31 May (and return to LA)
- Approve 3 year strategic plan by 31 May
- Plan and approve capital spend
- Review attendance data (pupils, staff and governor)
- Monitor and evaluate behaviour
- Review racist incidents data
- Review home-school agreement (if applicable)
- Review governor training and receive report from DTG on value for money
- Agree governor training & development plan
- Agree and book Whole Governing Body Training Session
- Review arrangements for induction of new governors
- Ensure training is booked for new members of HT performance management panel
- Review transition arrangements
- Agree election arrangements for GB officers
- Discuss officers for the following academic year
- Consult on schedule for GB meetings next year
- Review child protection / safeguarding arrangements (audit to be completed by 30 September)
- Receive report from designated teacher for Children in Care
- Consider pupil premium, PE sport premium, catch up premium spending and SEN funding and the impact of this additional funding
- Note and agree Professional Day Closure dates for the new academic year
- Review progress against GB development plan
FGB Meeting minutes - These are available on request from the school office by email.