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St Thomas More's Catholic

Primary School and Pre-School

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PE and Sports Premium

At St Thomas More’s, we are passionate about the power of sport and physical activity. We believe that we provide a dynamic and inclusive physical education curriculum for our students. Through these experiences, we aim to not only improve children’s physical well-being, through a variety of different sports, but also their mental well-being by increasing their self-confidence and resilience. 


In addition to our curriculum work, we have a club list that offers a wide range of sporting clubs each week. Many of these extra-curricular activities are run by our teaching staff or by highly qualified sports coaches. Through our sports administrator, we are able to enter our children into many sporting fixtures with local schools. St Thomas More’s pupils have an opportunity to represent our school in football, netball, basketball, dodgeball, table tennis and many more. Furthermore, we believe that the opportunity for competitive sport should be available to everybody, which is why we run house tournaments between our four houses, Colvin, Romero, Gandhi and Therese. 


One aspect that our school has recently become involved in is to provide our children with opportunities to watch professional sport. Already this year, our children have been to a range of professional events, including an FA Cup Final at Wembley. We believe that watching professional athletes can inspire our children to believe that they are as amazing as we know they are.  


PE & Sports Premium Funding



St Thomas More's Catholic Primary school uses the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of pupils' physical education (PE), physical activity and sport by:

  • developing / adding to the PE, physical activity and sport that your school provides
  • building capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years


We use the premium to secure improvements in the following 5 key indicators, engaging all pupils in regular physical activity:

  1. providing targeted activities or support to involve and encourage the least active children
  2. encouraging active play during break times and lunchtimes
  3. establishing, extending or funding attendance of school sport clubs and activities and holiday clubs, or broadening the variety offered
  4. adopting an active mile initiative
  5. raising attainment in primary school swimming to meet requirements of the national curriculum before the end of key stage 2.


Examples include -

  • investment in PE equipment;
  • participating in Havant school games, including competitions;
  • embracing Change 4 Life initiatives, including Yr 5 ambassadors leading younger children in Change 4 Life activities;
  • intentionally targeting vulnerable and/or least active pupils, rather than those who are the most able;
  • providing additional physical / sport opportunities, including karate and CM Sports clubs;
  • providing extra-curricular activities (including basketball, hockey, netball, football) and a school generic after-school club, where staff encourage lots of physical participation;
  • KS2 pupils take part in daily mile challenge;
  • Yr3 & 4 swimming lessons;
  • Yr R 'Wake Up & Shake Up' sessions;
  • 'Walk to School' week


please refer to for further information.


St Thomas More's carried forward an underspend from 2020-21 of approximately £10,000 due to the affect on COVID-19.  This underspent was spent in full by 31 July 2022.


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