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St Thomas More's Catholic

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Junior Road Safety Officers


Just like all of our other 'Stewardship' roles, our Junior Road Safety Officers apply for their roles, stating why they would be interested in their role and what they have to offer.   


They then undertake training, ready for them to share this knowledge with the rest of the school.  As part of their training they had to design t-shirts with a clear road safety message on which they can share with the school community.  .

They will be coming up with ideas for school competitions and campaigns to promote safe parking in our local area.



To highlight the dangers of using a phone whilst crossing the road or being near busy roads, the JRSO's worked together to create a safety presentation and then shared it with each KS2 class...

The JRSO's created a Christmassy themed road safety version of a familiar song...


They wrote a letter to the parents after a few bad weeks with a few near misses and some bad parking choices. As part of this campaign they created a little rhyme to share with our families...


The JRSO's held a whole school assembly last week to share the important message of Being Bright and Being Seen by road users, especially in the darker months.   The whole school also came to school in bright clothes to help highlight this key road safety message.



As part of the assembly they also launched their Be Bright Be Seen poster competition. The winning posters will be enlarged and laminated and displayed around the school to keep spreading the message.   Olivia's example poster can be seen above.



The JRSO's have recruited 3 new members to help them with street patrols and upcoming projects this year.  Well done to Olivia, Gillian and Logan for being voted in!


Our JRSOs are out regularly on patrol, promoting safety on our streets, and now share their observations in our school newsletter to get the messages out to everyone (see example below).  Look out for the traffic lights ....


PCSO visit

This morning, some of our Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) and a few additional volunteers met with two PCSOs Alex and Alex from Havant Police to patrol the streets outside of our school.


They had to remind a few drivers to not please park on the white lines across drives opposite our school. As well as being a nuisance for our neighbours, it does make it dangerous when crossing the road. We were all interested to hear that a traffic enforcement officer can issue a £50 fine, if people park on these lines outside of people drives.


Thank you to everyone who parked a little further away from school and enjoyed a short walk in to school.


Our JRSOs will be out patrolling a bit more regularly to see if all parents can help us keep everyone safe and happy.

Safe and sensible parking update


Our Junior Road Safety Officers have been out on street patrol weekly to encourage safe and lawful parking around our school.  Sadly, on one morning, they witnessed a few incidents where some drivers chosen to park  irresponsibly.


This is a message from our JRSO team …


“We were angry and disappointed that some parents chose to park on yellow lines today, even when we told them they shouldn’t be doing that. Some also parked on the pavements and across driveways which means the people in the houses could not get out in an emergency.


We are giving up our time to keep other people safe and helping everyone to not break the law and to not get fines.


Please park safely and sensibly and keep everyone safe.


P.S. Thank you to those parents who did park safely and sensibly”


Hollie, Seth, Charlotte, Daniel, Toby, Joey and Harry

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