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St Thomas More's Catholic

Primary School and Pre-School

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Reception - Jellyfish & Angelfish

Our Aim is to make Learning Irresistible

We strive to make the learning environment as exciting as possible and to offer the children rich experiences which engage them and ignite their curiosity to learn!


The children participate in play-based, hands on activities which are carefully planned to develop their skills and which are influenced by their current interests. Children lead their learning in partnership with skilful adults who support them.

Meet the Team for 2024


Mrs Pinnington (EYFS Leader)  

Mrs Lindley (Yr R teacher)

Miss Hennessy (Yr R teacher)

Miss Boatwright (Yr R teacher)

Mrs Sparks  (Higher level teaching assistant)

Mrs Percival (teaching Assistant)

Mrs Bicheno (teaching Assistant)



‘Achievement is excellent in the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is because the development of reading, writing and speaking and listening is so effectively addressed, particularly through carefully structured and purposeful play.’ OFSTED

Starting School Parent information

Baseline Assessment Information

Home Reading

Home Learning Resources

Websites to support Home Learning

Contact Details and Useful Links
