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St Thomas More's Catholic

Primary School and Pre-School

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Our Parish Communities

Our School benefits from close links with the surrounding Parishes of St Joseph's, Havant, Ss Thomas’, Emsworth, St Michael and All Angels', Leigh Park, and St Patrick's, Hayling Island. All our parish priests are welcome visitors to our school, coming in to school each week to read, work with the children, to celebrate masses or just to say 'Hello'!

We have regular school Masses and Liturgies, and maintain links between home, school and parish, with our termly School / Parish Masses.

Below is a video of just one example of our links with our parish communities. Here the children sang "Something Inside So Strong" as part of Pentecost Mass and as a gift to a parishioner, Kimberly, who had just been baptised.


Events from both school and parish will be in our regular newsletters.


Church contact details are as follows:

St Joseph's Church & Ss Thomas'


134 West Street, Havant , PO9 1LP and Ss Thomas', New Brighton Road, Emsworth

023 92484520


St Michael and All Angels' Church

Dunsbury Way, Leigh Park, PO9 5BD

023 92484323


St Patrick's Church

Manor Road, Hayling Island, PO11 0QU

023 92463854


Parish Boundaries

Contact Details and Useful Links
